Thursday, January 23, 2025

Thoughts for 2025

I'm having trouble coming up with goals for this year.  I did well with my goals last year, and I think setting goals is probably a good idea, but I'm just not sure how I want to focus my creativity this year.

I know that I want to continue to work on finishing my UFOs.  There are 5 left from my original list, plus one top that I completed last year that still needs to be quilted.  Finishing all of them would be nice, but I don't want to lock myself into that as an official goal.  One has been giving me fits as to how to quilt it, and I want to feel a little more free to do new things than I felt last year.  So I think I'll set this goal at 4. 

I also have a long list of pre-cuts that I own but have not yet used. (The oldest were purchased in 2013.) I'd like to make something with at least 3 of these.  More would be nice, but I think 3 is a reasonable goal.  

Beyond those, I'm just not really sure.  

I enjoyed doing the window painting at Christmas, so I thought that doing more painting might be nice.  "More painting" isn't really a measurable goal though.  Maybe I'll set a goal for doing 2 window paintings this year, plus one painting on paper or canvas. (Yikes!)

I also want to create some inventory to possibly have a booth at a craft show.  Again, "create some inventory" isn't measurable.  The problem is that I have no idea what is reasonable in this category.  I'll say 5 sets (4 each) of coasters,  2 small bags, and 2 tote bags as a start.

In summary, that makes:

  1. Finish 4 UFOs
  2. Use 3 pre-cuts
  3. Do 2 window paintings
  4. Do 1 non-window painting
  5. Sew 5 sets of coasters
  6. Sew 2 small bags
  7. Sew 2 tote bags

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