Monday, October 29, 2018

Headstone Flowers

I bought some headstone saddles at Michael's and arranged flowers for my grandparents' graves.  On my father's side, both grandparents have passed.  On my mother's side, only my grandfather has passed.  But in both cases they have a common tombstone, so I made two arrangements.

I had them all arranged and then redid them.  In the original arrangement, the foam base was exposed.  In this arrangement I tried to use the flowers to hide the base.  I feel like I was more successful with one than the other, but it's not too bad for a first attempt.  My plan is to make another set for Christmas.

These flowers were very expensive because I bought them at Michael's.  Even on clearance they were expensive.  I plan to check Walmart and the dollar stores for artificial flowers before I arrange any more.

Here are pictures of them in place on the headstones.

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